Influencer marketing can help you increase your followers, boosting both brand awareness and revenue. Influencers are typically seen as thought leaders in their industry. For example, people who follow a fitness influencer usually do so for the best tips and products to help them achieve their fitness goals. Using credible influencers can help you gain credibility and authenticity for your campaign and business.

You can take your influencer marketing to the next level with influencer video marketing that allows businesses to engage audiences quickly. While videos are an essential part of your overall marketing strategy, it’s necessary to add them to your influencer marketing strategy. Here’s our elaborative guide on how you can create a successful influencer marketing video.


1. Determine Type of Video Campaign

There are tons of influencer marketing videos available for your business to choose from. You can ask your influencers to do anything, from an unboxing video to a lifestyle video that includes your product. Regardless of what you pick, guarantee that it lines up with their image moreover. For example, if an influencer has never done an unboxing video before, you should check with them to make sure they’d be open to it before deciding to work with them.

2. Choose Relevant and Credible Influencers

While you can do a quick search on Instagram for influencers, you must work with the best of the best to get a good return on your investment. It’s tempting to work with influencers with large followings, but it’s important to distinguish between followers and relevance. Your influencers must relate to your target audience to have an impact.

Remember, audiences don’t want it to seem like your influencers are selling them products. Instead, they want to be entertained and learn about the different products available. When choosing influencers, it’s also essential to make sure that they are credible. A credibility score can help you determine if you’re selecting the right influencers to work with.

3. Discuss Fees

The cost of influencers differs among them, so it’s important to sort your priorities before reaching out to them to discuss prices. For example, you may find an influencer with over one million followers and one with less than half that. However, the second influencer could have a higher engagement rate than the first. As you know from social media marketing, engagement rate is typically more important than the number of likes because the more engaged your customers are, the more likely they are to make purchases and further interact with the brand online.

The first influencer in the scenario above may have a higher rate due to their follower count, while the other has a lower rate. You’ve already decided that going with the second influencer is in your best interest, so luckily, you’ve saved money in this case. Always consider all of the important factors of influencer marketing before determining your budget.

Campaign Process

1. Give the Influencer Creative Freedom

Your influencers should be trusted enough to create valuable content on their own without the need for your business to intervene. Their audience is watching their videos because they like how the influencer dresses and talks, so there’s no reason to give them a guide to follow when posting videos. Influencers are used to creating their own video scripts based on the feedback of their audience.

However, this does not mean that you should give your influencer total creative control. Make sure to communicate your goals of the campaign and the message you’re trying to convey. This allows the influencer to determine the right way to share the product with their audience.

2. Be Collaborative

Always make sure to have an open line of communication when it comes to your influencers. You never want to tell them what to do then disappear on them, especially if they have questions. Ensure that you’re available to answer their questions and provide them with any collateral that they’ll need to finish their video. For example, if they’re creating a video and would like to include animation, make sure that you see an example of their work to get approval before proceeding with the video.


1. Tracking

Once the campaign is complete, it’s crucial to track and analyze the video performance. This is of utter importance whether you’re working with one or more influencers. Understanding how the videos are performing and the reasons behind their performance can help you strategize on creating better campaigns in the future. Make sure to use custom links and promo codes so that you can adequately track performance. You may also consider video analytics software that can help you track views.

If you’re using multiple influencers for one campaign, make sure you take a detailed look at all the videos. Take a close look at the highest performing video and the lowest to determine what factors contributed to one video getting more engagement than another.

You may find that one video has more engagement while another has more likes. Determine which information is most important for you to understand better how to create a superior influencer campaign next time.

2. Engage with Followers

After the campaign has ended, it doesn’t mean that you should never return to the video post again. Instead, take a look at the video’s comments and begin a conversation with the influencer’s followers. Unless it’s in your contract with the influencer, most influencers won’t respond to questions about the product they promoted unless it’s crucial to them.

Circle back and review the comments on the post and reply to any questions that people may have about the product. This allows you to start a conversation with prospective customers and send them directly to your social media pages or website.

3. Reconnect with Influencers

After measuring the success of your campaigns, make a note of the influencers you’d contact again for their work. By creating a relationship with them, you can expect better rates and ensure an excellent experience for both of you.

Remember to bookmark this guide to refer back to it as you create your influencer marketing video. Good luck!