When you mention the cloud, many are still baffled to what it really is, what it can do and what impact it will have on the future of computing. Many home computer users may utilize the cloud now without even knowing it. For programmers and those in IT however, the cloud offers an exciting future of computing and business. As cloud capabilities expand and new innovations on how cloud computing may be utilized, we can expect to see many industry changes taking place that will launch computing to new heights.

Mobility, Apps, and Latency

We are already seeing the benefits of cloud computing in many of the mobile devices we use today.As the cloud offers low-resourced gadgets to operate at higher speeds, many apps we use on our mobile devices use the cloud to handling many of the processing requirements needed to run. This allows mobile manufacturers to offer low-cost mobile devices with lower hardware specs and still operate at an acceptable speed.

This will not change in the future but rather grow. The use of the cloud in app development will increase as new methods of mobile cloud computing will allow for even faster data processing and even lower hardware resource requirements.

Software Programming in the Cloud

Adobe’s launch of their Creative Cloud Suite was met with mixed feelings. Those who were used to a one time purchase of their creative software were upset with their new subscription based pricing.

This was an example of the future of software. As the cloud allows the divorce of hardware and software,many software suites we use today will eventually be up in the air.

Additionally, programming for cloud software suites will change considerably. Modular programming that utilizes many different clouds will become the standard for programmers. As software continues to increase in size and functionality, using multiple cloud systems will be needed to allow companiesto update, upgrade and repair software sections without the need to shut down the software.For programmers this will create the need to change their current mindset and embrace modular programming.

Creative suites, office suites, and even web design and programming will make a shift to the cloud.Those in the industries will need to adapt and learn how to continue their craft without the software being installed on their hardware. For many this will be an easy shift, for purists it may take time.

Low Powered Hardware and Cloud Pricing

When cloud computing first hit mainstream, the initial cost was more than many companies were prepared to spend. However, as lower powered hardware will be required, the cost of cloud computing will continue to decrease. This will entice more companies and even individuals to make the move to cloud computing.

Currently competing chip manufacturers are in a race to create a low-powered chipset that will continue operating at optimal levels by using cloud services to handle most of the workload. What this means for the end user is lower cost hardware that still works as fast and hard as the top of the line computers. As well, many companies will be able to save on the amount of power needed to run their computing, offering even more savings each month when the electric bill is due.

Cloud Service Providers

The biggest shift we can expect in the future is the increase in the amount of available cloud service providers. As hardware costs decrease, smaller businesses will be able to offer cloud services to their customers. This will become the fastest growing sector of the market. Breaking down the infrastructure to its basic components will create the need for additional cloud services. Soon an entire company will be able to be run through a variety of cloud providers rather than large data centers and server rooms.

Currently the largest use of the cloud for individual users is back up and storage, file transfer and mobile apps. By 2020 this will all change and the software we are used to use on our computers will be separated from our hardware and floating in the cloud. Cheaper computing is on its way and the cloud is the biggest part of the evolution.

About Author: Brett Harris is an avid tech blogger and IT professional. As the cloud changes the way we compute, professionals are turning to the Top Online Web Design Programs to learn the future of web programming in the cloud.