10 interesting things you should know about surprising rise of Google’s new CEO Sundar Pichai.
- Sundar Pichai, India born is named CEO of Google by company founders Larry Page and Sergei Brin.
- The son of an electric engineer, Pichai was born in 1972 in Tamil Nadu.Pichai holds a master’s degree from Stanford University and an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. He is a soccer fan who hails from Tamil Nadu.Living in the small two room apartment he was fascinated by his father career and the gadgets.
- He completed his B.tech degree from Indian institute of technology, kharagpur.He then received a MS from Stanford and obtained an MBA from Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. At Wharton, Pichai was honored as a Siebel Scholar and a Palmer Scholar.
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- At the age of 43, Pichai was named chief executive officer of the Internet titanic “Google”. He will continue to look after his household products like ads, maps, search engine, ads, maps, apps, YouTube and the Android system. Apart from handling these products he will also oversee the biggest company called Google.
- While working as Senior Vice President of his household products, Pichai commands engineering, management and research for Google’s products and platforms.
- In the year 2008, Pichai and his team successfully launched Google chrome and started exploring for more search products like Desktop Search, Google Toolbar, Google Gears and Gadgets .
- According to US media sources Pichai is very soft-spoken and realistic man. He is very little-known among masses and a long-time right-hand man to mentor Page.
- Pichai joined Google in 2004 as vice president of product management. He was handling a huge team working on Google’s Chrome browser and operating system.
Image Source – money.cnn.com
- Looking back now, he was working as a small group of product managers but gradually his liabilities extended from working on new versions of the Google toolbar to overseeing the building of Chrome.
- Last but not the least, Pichai is enthusiastic and passionate.He says “For me, it matters that we drive technology as an equalizing force, as an enabler for everyone around the world. Which is why I do want Google to see, push, and invest more in making sure computing is more accessible, connectivity is more accessible.”
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