A country’s economy is dependent on the companies and start-ups whether it is a cottage industry or any medium-scale industry.

Such companies in the long run generate job opportunities and serve towards upliftment and innovation.

Majorly, the top companies and brands of the world started began at a slower pace and they were fresh entrepreneurs.

There are numerous things that are looked upon before making a business classification as small, medium, and large.

Not only capital, investments, revenues, or the number of employees are taken into consideration. All the things jointly help us to identify whether the company is small, medium, or large scale industry.

Small scale companies need to produce limited resources looking at the possible horizons and limitations of such companies.

The merits which the cloud solutions provider to a company are exceptional whether it is a medium-scale or large-scale organization.

But the cloud service that can be provided to the small scale industries can level up their productivity and submerging rewards can be achieved by the industries falling under this category.

There are mainly two types of deployment infrastructures:

1. On-premises

In this kind of deployment, all the data and gadgets pertaining to such data get stored in a distinct place that is placed in the same place as the business.

This separate wing is further held responsible for any misplacement and malfunctioning of data and cloud software that are connected to the solution.

2. Outsourced

Outsourced is the best alternative when an organization wants to access the cloud services from a different cloud service provider from a remote place and where data does not exist in the same premises as that of the office building.
All the cost of hardware, maintaining data and any theft to data will be the main responsibility of such cloud service providers.

In House V/S Cloud Service Provider

The core difference between these two deployment infrastructures is none. The company based on its security measures makes the choice between Cloud service providers and on-premises when we talk about every small-scale business.

Cost and affordability are the major concerns when we talk about deploying a cloud solution and in-house setup for cloud solutions is much costlier when compared to CSP.

Though in-house cloud solution is considered much more secure than CSP.

Advantages of Cloud Solutions for Small Scale Industries

1. Reduction in costs

The cost actually depends on the method that you choose for your cloud solution from the two methods.

A. On-Premises/ In-House

  • If such cloud solutions are developed on the same premises as that of the company. The company just requires a powerful server.
  • The rest of IT hardware does not require a regular update and can continue to work which is a cost-savior for such industries.
  • Companies can facilitate cloud services to its wide range of employees and workers with no hidden cost.

B. CSP or outsourced

  • Whenever a company recruits or hire any CSP then all the responsibilities of maintaining data and hardware lies with them.
  • The existing computers and smart devices of the employees do not require an up-gradation as everything pertaining to CSP will be cast-off.
  • The company can add new users to the cloud just by rewarding a small amount to continue its functions.

2. Flexible Access

  • Once the unique user gets created with his ID on the cloud network. The cloud can be accessible by the employee with various devices and platforms from a remote location as well.
  • Such a flexible approach can further increase the level of productivity and motivation in an employee.
  • With the help of the cloud, Small businesses can even recruit the workers who are even willing to work at a much lower wage or salary when compared with regular employees.

3. Ease of collaboration

  • When a team works together for a project the work gets assigned to each member and they discuss and clear their doubts on the chat rooms of the cloud.
  • As the data is available and accessible to all the employees there arises no conflict of interest among the employees.
  • This further increases the collaborations and coordination of employees that act as an asset for small entities with a hefty number of experts and professionals.

4. Improved Security

  • In the cloud workstation, the data gets stored and maintained at an appropriate location even if it is in-house or CSP.
  • It becomes much more suitable to maintain the security of a database from any cyber threats and attacks when compared with data that gets stored on such devices.
  • The most important advantage of cloud solutions is that it provides a high level of security even if the single ID from the cloud gets stolen or lost. The data stored in it can be retrieved with the change in the password by the user who lost his ID.

5. Compatibility

  • Whether it is in-house or CSP. All the data gets stored in a secure manner at a specific place. Any change and modification or performance booster will need to get fixed at the same location as that of the cloud server.
  • Such effects will get revealed spontaneously to each and every existing or new user.
  • The traditional storage system of data called the need to call every individual and further explain to them the recent update.
  • Such a cloud system will not bother the small-scale industries to call for expert and IT professionals to fix the bugs.

Wrapping Up

Though it can be understood clearly that the cloud computing method of maintaining and storing data becomes much more important for small scale industries to take their business to the next level without any technical issues and problems and there arises no need to call an IT expert or professional to help them fix the bug.