It was the general Town Hall meeting for the State Department and amidst the rounds of discussions pertaining to crucial issues, the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton found herself being hit by a rather amusing question. Quite amusingly she was asked what should offices do in regard to the slow update process that they have to bear with the Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer currently is the preferred browser for the global offices.

Amidst the ripple of laughters arising from such an unexpected question, the response of Clinton appeared as a music to the ears of Internet giant company Google. Clinton said that the state department shall start using Google Chrome soon. The installation of the same has begun since February 14th.

It appears to be a great opportunity for Google, if the government officials start using and endorsing its products. Google currently is hopeful that the state departments would start using Google Apps suite for various purposes like emailing, managing documents and calendars etc. and getting officials to use its browser is the first step in the right direction for Google.

However, the problem is that some of the existing software may not be perfectly compatible with the Google chrome browser and hence the officials would still have to employ Internet Explorer. Though one thing is sure, Google’s Chrome and its various other products have a flourishing opportunity to carve a niche amidst government official. And though Internet Explorer may not be dead as of now, but it sure does not look like a pretty site for Microsoft.