Google yesterday revealed the introduction of Group publishing to the Chrome web store. As the Chrome store has become the hub for many themes, websites, extensions and apps from different publishers, so in order to extend the service and to provide more flexibility to the publishers, the company has introduced Publishing to its flagship browser.

Until now, only one email address can be linked with the Chrome’s store which made it thought-provoking to provide publisher’s account access to more than one user but now access can be given to more than one user to manage the organization’s chrome web store account.

A company can basically create a Google Group and label it as an account owner and then according to their choice, they can add or remove the people which they think are suitable to manage their account. To carry out this, move to the Developer’s Dashboard page, then click on the link and connect with an existing Group or make a new one.

“Many organizations have multiple items that they need to manage—updates need to be published, testers need to be assigned, promotional images need to be rotated, marketing text needs to be tweaked, and so on,” Google Software Engineer Wei Zheng explains. “With the new Group Publishing capability, an organization’s engineering, marketing and product management teams can now collaborate much more effectively to better manage their Chrome Web Store presence.”

Once the member has been added to the Group, he/she can add, remove, edit or else can work with other store’s items and all account related stuffs. It doesn’t matter whether you have websites, themes, apps or extension in the store, it covers each and every thing as this new feature is for the entire items in the publisher’s account.

With the addition of new Google Group publishing ability, the company’s product’s management, marketing and engineering teams can now cooperate with each other more efficiently to better accomplish their Chrome store existence. However, this is a small but a significant change to the Chrome Web Store for the organizations managing the publisher’s account.